his is a sad thing, this pandemic. It takes away one of the things we look forward to every four years: getting together, sharing ideas, arguing a bit, having drinks with
colleagues, exploring a new host city, finding the perfect place for dinner ... and arguing some more.
The Geostatistics Congress is a great place to get known and to start being recognized not only for the creativity of your ideas but also for the quality of your presentations. We can't replace all of the networking and social opportunities catalyzed by being together, but we are hoping to capture in this year's online conference many of the things that have made this conference series successful.

Invited live keynote presentations will be held each day at noon, all centered around the theme we missed out on last year: the "20-20 Hindsight Talks" that shed some light on the lessons learned from things don't work out as planned.
And there will be some chances to relax, interact with others and do some things that aren't so serious:
The inaugural Geostatistical Art Show that gives us a chance to respond to the criticism that all we do is produce pretty pictures ... by owning it and producing images that will be judged as pure art, by artists.​
A 5k "run" through the streets of Toronto, done as a virtual scavenger hunt driven by clues that navigate your team through Toronto in Google Street View. A prize for the team that finishes fastest. An even bigger prize for the team that was paying attention along the way.
The conference will run from July 12th through the 16th, with live online discussions that run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone (GMT -4).
Presentations will be available for viewing the week before the conference. With everyone able to watch the presentations which interest them, and submit questions prior to the conference, the discussion sessions during the conference can be more productive and engaging.